Blade wear depends on the quality of the steel, use and care of the knife. Japanese knives are made of high-quality steel. Follow these tips to keep your Japanese knife in top shape:


✔ Use a wooden, plastic or rubber cutting board.

✔ After use, wash the knives and wipe them dry.

✔ For corrosion protection, we recommend using Ballistol.

✔ Use a magnetic stand, knife blocks or protective sheaths (saya).

✔ Good cutting technique is the best way to maintain sharpness.

✔ Use whetstones to sharpen your knife.


❗️Do not leave the knife in the sink. Hand wash it immediately.

❗️Do not wash the knife in the dishwasher.

❗️Do not use the knife on glass, ceramic, marble or steel surfaces.

❗️Do not scrape products from the cutting board with the edge of the blade. Use both sides of a knife instead.

❗️A knife is a tool designed for a specific use - cutting products. It is not a can knife, not an ax, not a screwdriver, not a spatula, not nippers, not a hammer, etc.